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Greens Open For Practice
Good news, our greens will be open for practice from 10:00 am. However, it is important that everyone adheres to the following "rules"-
- Greens closed Mondays until 3:00 pm
- Greens open for practice from 10:00 am
- Practice on nominated greens only – check the greens board to see if the greens have been
closed temporarily
- No access to clubhouse
If the rules are not strictly followed, the greens will be closed
​Current Club Events
Ladies' 100 Up Entries now open until 4th September. Round 1 - 5th Sept.
Ladies Pairs Championship Entries now open until 19th September. Round 1 - 24th Sept.
Men's Veterans Singles Championship Entries now open until 13th September. Round 1 - 15th Sept.
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